The Housewives’ Social Security Scheme (SKSSR) was implemented on 1 December 2022 under the Housewives’ Social Security Act 2022, aimed at providing social security protection to housewives against domestic injury and invalidity while managing the household.
Definition of Housewife
A woman whether married or unmarried, who manages the household on a full-time or part-time basis, including a wife, mother, divorcee, widow or a single mother.
A contribution of RM120 shall be paid in advance, covering a period of 12 consecutive months. Such contributions may be made for and on behalf of the housewife, by her husband, the housewife, family members or any third party.
The principle of 'Once in, Always in' will apply to husbands who choose to make contributions for their wives.
Housewives affected by domestic injury may seek medical treatment and outpatient treatment at hospitals, clinics or other institutions.
Housewives who suffer one or more permanent disabilities arising from domestic accidents, may apply and shall be entitled to a lump sum payment of Permanent Disablement Benefits upon recommendation of a medical assessor or Appellate Medical Board.
Paid monthly to housewives who receive Permanent Disablement Benefit or Morbid Allowance as a result of severe incapacity to the extent that personal care of other people is constantly required.
Housewives will be eligible recipients of this allowance upon recommendation of a medical assessor or Appellate Medical Board. Payment of allowance will cease when the housewife reaches the age of 55 or dies.
A one-off funeral benefit of RM3,000 (effective from 1 June 2024) shall be paid to eligible dependants in the event that the insured housewife dies before reaching the age of 55.
Physical Rehabilitation or Dialysis facilities shall be provided to eligible housewives after being certified as having permanent disability or invalidity by a medical assessor or Appellate Medical Board.
If necessary, housewives will be provided with prosthetics, orthotics or other devices, at no cost.
If the insured housewife dies before the age of 55 due to a domestic injury or while receiving morbid allowance or due to any causes during the coverage period, Survivors‘ Pension of RM300 will be paid to eligible dependants according to their respective shares. Survivors’ Pension is paid to widowers and children. If the insured housewife does not leave a widower or children, Survivors‘ Pension shall be paid to her parents.
Pension for the children’s share will be paid until the child turns 21, gets married or completes the first degree. The mentally or physically disabled children who are unable to support themselves, will continue to receive the payment until they turn 55.
The Survivors’ Pension will only be paid to the widower or parents who are Malaysian citizens until they reach the age of 55. Payment to the widower will cease when he remarries.
Paid monthly to housewives who suffer from disability upon recommendation of a medical assessor or Appellate Medical Board.
Housewives shall be considered disabled as a result of an accident which leaves her unable to carry out most of her household activities.
Payment of this allowance shall cease when the housewife recovers from the disability or when she reaches the age of 55 or dies.
Paid monthly to housewives who receive Morbid Allowance or Permanent Disablement Benefit due to severe incapacity to the point of constantly requiring personal care of others.
Housewives shall be eligible to receive this allowance after being certified by a medical assessor or Appellate Medical Board. Payments of the allowance shall cease when the housewife reaches the age of 55 or dies.
Physical Rehabilitation or Dialysis facilities are provided to eligible housewives after being certified to suffer from invalidity or permanent disability by a medical assessor or Appellate Medical Board.
If necessary, housewives shall also be provided with prosthetics, orthotics or other devices, at no cost.
A one-off funeral benefit of RM3,000 (effective from 1 June 2024) shall be paid to eligible dependants if the insured housewife dies before reaching the age of 55.
If the insured housewife dies before the age of 55 due to a domestic injury or while receiving morbid allowance or due to any causes during the coverage period, Survivors‘ Pension of RM300 will be paid to eligible dependants according to their respective shares. Survivors’ Pension is paid to widowers and children. If the insured housewife does not leave a widower or children, Survivors‘ Pension shall be paid to her parents.
Pension for the children’s share will be paid until the child turns 21, gets married or completes the first degree. The mentally or physically disabled children who are unable to support themselves, will continue to receive the payment until they turn 55.
The Survivors’ Pension will only be paid to the widower or parents who are Malaysian citizens until they reach the age of 55. Payment to the widower will cease when he remarries.
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